DE: PSR und „Eingefrorene Transformation“
after years working with cinema 4d, i finally looked up the „freeze transform“ option … which is not only useful for animation, also for exact rotation or modifying coordiantes and its great. usually i put the object in a null-object and had the same-effect, but this is better and faster.

as example we have a cube which is somewhere in space and with any rotation … if you move now the cube you have no idea what was the original-xyz-coordinates (of course you can make a keyframe or use strg+z) but the freeze transform has other advantages. everything in your object coordinates is set to zero.

Hit „Freeze all“ and everything is saved.
Now you can move your object always back to this position and rotation without setting a keyframe or hoping thats it is still in your history. Also you have an exact display how you are modifying your object since the use of the „freeze transform“ tool. Use „Reset PSR“ command or reset it by hand to Zero.